Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Puffer Fish

I, like my countless fellow ORG beings in this Universe, consist almost entirely of energy. We move into form, through form, and out of form seamlessly, without much cause for a specific body or physical manifestation of form. If we desire something, we effortlessly manifest into the most efficient life form with which to satisfy said desire. Perhaps an example will best illustrate my point. For discussion’s sake, let’s presume that I desired to explore the wonders that reside beneath the surface of our World’s oceans. It would prove a most inefficient exercise to do so in the ORG form you know as Human. Such a limited form, with neither gills nor fins, would surely produce a less-than-ideal aquatic exploration experience. On the other hand, an ORG-form such as “Dolphin,” or perhaps “Puffer Fish,” would unquestionably produce a more pleasurable experience. I would obviously choose the form that best facilitated the desire at hand.

Monday, May 27, 2013


For your enlightenment, we should probably start with an introduction. If you were to verbalize or transcribe my Organic Identifier (ORG-ID), which we seldom have cause to do, I would be known to you as, “Sentient One.” It is extremely pleasurable to know you.

You see, there is no need for our physical beings to be within some arbitrary proximity of each other in order for us to meet. In the most miniscule elapse of time that we have already spent together, I am forever a part of you, and you of me.

 If that startles you, I apologize for the permanence of my being within your now conscious, and perhaps eventually, only your subconscious mind. Quite literally, I have already taken-up symbiotic residency within your being, and through the force of Universal Collective Consciousness, you in mine.  


[Image Credit: NASA]

The End of the World as You Knew It

A long time ago people used to think that the World was going to come to an end on December 21st of the year 2012 AD – they were correct. That was the day that the World as they knew it ended in so many ways that it is a challenge to know where to begin.

[Image Credit: NASA]