Tuesday, June 4, 2013

“Omniscience Unrealized”

Like most failed experiments, eventually they will surely destroy themselves for one reason or another, like humankind always has. Of course, we Enlightened Sentients wish them no ill will; in fact, we are Universally incapable of wishing harm upon another being, enlightened or otherwise. They are simply one of the Universe’s perverse mysteries.

Why would any being that has the ability to avoid all things unwanted, or unpleasant; and to manifest anything it could possibly desire, voluntarily choose to live a single life-cycle of turmoil and strife? That is the great mystery of The Human Experiment. The Universe has bestowed complete free will upon all beings; so by definition, they CAN choose to live and die as mortal human beings only, but admittedly, why they would choose to do so is the sole remaining mystery.

This one unanswered question prevents Universal Collective Consciousness from reaching a true state of omniscience, or infinite knowledge.
[CC Image Credit: http://fav.me/dz9t2t ]

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