Saturday, June 1, 2013

“The Universe is Best Served by Youth”

It would be considerably more challenging to explain if you were to ask the archaic notion, “How old are you?” In the most elemental understanding of the long-obsolete concept of age that you are probably familiar with, you would consider me fifteen years old. Of course, that is not really accurate however. 

Like the Universal energy that we are all made of, we can never really be created or destroyed; we only change form. All Sentients, like myself, cycle eternally through what you would consider four life-cycles:  birth, living, death, and rebirth. My current ORG-ID of “Sentient One” is simply one such life cycle that has lasted fifteen of your years thus far. We have long since discontinued the ancient practice of recording previous manifestations, or what you would call lives; it served no useful purpose after several hundred of your years.

The overwhelming percentage of Sentients, easily 99% if it were not of an uncountable number, choose to cycle after what you would consider eighteen years of living. A thousand years of Universal Collective Consciousness, or UCC, has taught us that once hardened with years beyond seventeen or eighteen, Sentients can become inflexible in our ideologies, and purely incapable of co-existing with others. 

The Universe is best served by youth, permeated by an eternity of Collective Conscious.

[CC Image Credit: 

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