Sunday, June 2, 2013

"The Human Experiment"

Besides our meta-physical beings, and ageless existences, there are many other ways in which we as a Universe have evolved since the time that you may know or remember. In order to maintain a conversational tone, and avoid a boring lesson on dead histories, I will postpone detailed discussion of most. Indeed, at this point, it is suffice to say that we enjoy:
·      NO nation-states, or other arbitrary geographic borders to fight over and defend
·      NO races or significant differences in color
·      NO foreign languages or dialects to hinder Universal communication
·      NO major or minor world religions to justify the slaying of innocent beings because they call their deity by a different name
·      NO political ideologies to argue over, or kill and die for
·      NO artificial scarcity of resources to wage war in order to capture or defend
·      NO fabricated monetary system to manipulate in order to create huge disparities between groups of people
·      NO formal or informal class system with which to subjugate others
·      NO distinctions between and among sexual orientations, or chosen genders
·      NO Enlightened Sentients who persist in one life-cycle past eighteen years of age
On this last point it is worth briefly discussing, if only for posterity’s benefit, that all Enlightened Sentients agree that —“The Universe is best served by youth.” There are a very small number of beings (dare we even refer to them as Sentients?), which disagree with this concept however. For reasons that defy logic or even mere comprehension, these tortured beings voluntarily choose to manifest into a single ORG form permanently, resisting the Universality of life-cycling. They form a counter-culture of loosely connected cells, collectively known as The Human Experiment

[CC Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory]


  1. Greed...Prejudice and ignorance...Remove these 3 vile factors and we will achieve this existence of higher evolution.

    1. @tigerstrings- Couldn't agree more! Thanks for reading and sharing on FB. Really appreciate it! JDO
