Friday, June 7, 2013

“Geniuses of Insanity!”

There is little doubt that given enough time in a purely human manifestation, The Human Experiment will reinstitute ideologies and practices that will create derision among their own kind. After all, left to their own devices for a mere few thousand years, mankind used its extremely limited understanding of manifestation and the UCC to create weapons powerful enough to destroy the World hundreds of times over. What geniuses of insanity!

Sun Over Earth's Horizon
The sun is captured in a "starburst" mode over Earth's horizon by one of the Expedition 36 crew members aboard the International Space Station, as the orbital outpost was above a point in southwestern Minnesota on May 21, 2013.
[Image Credit: NASA]

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

“Omniscience Unrealized”

Like most failed experiments, eventually they will surely destroy themselves for one reason or another, like humankind always has. Of course, we Enlightened Sentients wish them no ill will; in fact, we are Universally incapable of wishing harm upon another being, enlightened or otherwise. They are simply one of the Universe’s perverse mysteries.

Why would any being that has the ability to avoid all things unwanted, or unpleasant; and to manifest anything it could possibly desire, voluntarily choose to live a single life-cycle of turmoil and strife? That is the great mystery of The Human Experiment. The Universe has bestowed complete free will upon all beings; so by definition, they CAN choose to live and die as mortal human beings only, but admittedly, why they would choose to do so is the sole remaining mystery.

This one unanswered question prevents Universal Collective Consciousness from reaching a true state of omniscience, or infinite knowledge.
[CC Image Credit: ]

Sunday, June 2, 2013

"The Human Experiment"

Besides our meta-physical beings, and ageless existences, there are many other ways in which we as a Universe have evolved since the time that you may know or remember. In order to maintain a conversational tone, and avoid a boring lesson on dead histories, I will postpone detailed discussion of most. Indeed, at this point, it is suffice to say that we enjoy:
·      NO nation-states, or other arbitrary geographic borders to fight over and defend
·      NO races or significant differences in color
·      NO foreign languages or dialects to hinder Universal communication
·      NO major or minor world religions to justify the slaying of innocent beings because they call their deity by a different name
·      NO political ideologies to argue over, or kill and die for
·      NO artificial scarcity of resources to wage war in order to capture or defend
·      NO fabricated monetary system to manipulate in order to create huge disparities between groups of people
·      NO formal or informal class system with which to subjugate others
·      NO distinctions between and among sexual orientations, or chosen genders
·      NO Enlightened Sentients who persist in one life-cycle past eighteen years of age
On this last point it is worth briefly discussing, if only for posterity’s benefit, that all Enlightened Sentients agree that —“The Universe is best served by youth.” There are a very small number of beings (dare we even refer to them as Sentients?), which disagree with this concept however. For reasons that defy logic or even mere comprehension, these tortured beings voluntarily choose to manifest into a single ORG form permanently, resisting the Universality of life-cycling. They form a counter-culture of loosely connected cells, collectively known as The Human Experiment

[CC Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory]

Saturday, June 1, 2013

“The Universe is Best Served by Youth”

It would be considerably more challenging to explain if you were to ask the archaic notion, “How old are you?” In the most elemental understanding of the long-obsolete concept of age that you are probably familiar with, you would consider me fifteen years old. Of course, that is not really accurate however. 

Like the Universal energy that we are all made of, we can never really be created or destroyed; we only change form. All Sentients, like myself, cycle eternally through what you would consider four life-cycles:  birth, living, death, and rebirth. My current ORG-ID of “Sentient One” is simply one such life cycle that has lasted fifteen of your years thus far. We have long since discontinued the ancient practice of recording previous manifestations, or what you would call lives; it served no useful purpose after several hundred of your years.

The overwhelming percentage of Sentients, easily 99% if it were not of an uncountable number, choose to cycle after what you would consider eighteen years of living. A thousand years of Universal Collective Consciousness, or UCC, has taught us that once hardened with years beyond seventeen or eighteen, Sentients can become inflexible in our ideologies, and purely incapable of co-existing with others. 

The Universe is best served by youth, permeated by an eternity of Collective Conscious.

[CC Image Credit: 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Puffer Fish

I, like my countless fellow ORG beings in this Universe, consist almost entirely of energy. We move into form, through form, and out of form seamlessly, without much cause for a specific body or physical manifestation of form. If we desire something, we effortlessly manifest into the most efficient life form with which to satisfy said desire. Perhaps an example will best illustrate my point. For discussion’s sake, let’s presume that I desired to explore the wonders that reside beneath the surface of our World’s oceans. It would prove a most inefficient exercise to do so in the ORG form you know as Human. Such a limited form, with neither gills nor fins, would surely produce a less-than-ideal aquatic exploration experience. On the other hand, an ORG-form such as “Dolphin,” or perhaps “Puffer Fish,” would unquestionably produce a more pleasurable experience. I would obviously choose the form that best facilitated the desire at hand.

Monday, May 27, 2013


For your enlightenment, we should probably start with an introduction. If you were to verbalize or transcribe my Organic Identifier (ORG-ID), which we seldom have cause to do, I would be known to you as, “Sentient One.” It is extremely pleasurable to know you.

You see, there is no need for our physical beings to be within some arbitrary proximity of each other in order for us to meet. In the most miniscule elapse of time that we have already spent together, I am forever a part of you, and you of me.

 If that startles you, I apologize for the permanence of my being within your now conscious, and perhaps eventually, only your subconscious mind. Quite literally, I have already taken-up symbiotic residency within your being, and through the force of Universal Collective Consciousness, you in mine.  


[Image Credit: NASA]

The End of the World as You Knew It

A long time ago people used to think that the World was going to come to an end on December 21st of the year 2012 AD – they were correct. That was the day that the World as they knew it ended in so many ways that it is a challenge to know where to begin.

[Image Credit: NASA]